Cricket At Headingley - 18th July 2008

This year we were in luck. The weather, while not perfect was largely rain free apart from a few showers.
So, we started the day by meeting at Sheffield train station at 07:45 and caught the 08:21 train to Leeds. Ian, Mark and Conrad decided that this was the time to start drinking but I thought that was a bad idea and stuck to coffee at this early hour!
Mark had decided that everyone should dress up as a panda for today's match and painted himself up on the train. He then did Conrad and throughout the day most of the others in our group. I of course refused to become part of 'Team Panda-monium' as I firstly hate fancy dress and secondly consider face painting to be a bit common. ;-)
We headed to the Headingly Taps pub for a pre match pint and then to the ground for the cricket.
England were batting first and were a bit crap to be honest. They were all out at the end of the day for 203! Rubbish. It did not spoil the day though, mainly because we were all drinking so much beer. :-)
The crowd were a bit quiet at first but after a few drinks they livened up. There were signs at the ground telling people not to build beer snakes (plastic glass towers) or they will be thrown out so obviously there were loads of the things. They actually did throw people out as well which was a bit of a pathetic thing to do!
There were also lots of things being thrown about in addition to the beer snakes. The usual inflatables were present but I think the crowd favourite was the plastic baby. It was going for ages until one very miserable steward decided to confiscate it! Sad bastard if you ask me!!
After the cricket we got a taxi to The Elbow Room again and played a game of killer pool before heading back to Sheffield.
By this point only the hardcore few were up for more beers so there were only 5 of us at The Showroom in the end and only 3 of us went for a kebab after that, the only way to end a day of drinking and cricket! :-)
All in all a good day. Everyone had fun and we actually got to see some cricket!! Anyone for next year?
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