Futurama is an animated TV show brom the creators of The Simpsons. It is one of Alice's favourite TV shows which we are pleased about as it is better than watching Nick Jnr all frickin day!
When Futurama came on the TV the other day Alice asked me "What colour is Futurama?". After me guessing green purple and blue she said "No silly daddy, Futurama is red of course".
How can a TV show be a colour was my point? It's like saying Eastenders is grey. Oh wait, it is.....
Anyway, Alice says some funny things which I like to share.
When Futurama came on the TV the other day Alice asked me "What colour is Futurama?". After me guessing green purple and blue she said "No silly daddy, Futurama is red of course".
How can a TV show be a colour was my point? It's like saying Eastenders is grey. Oh wait, it is.....
Anyway, Alice says some funny things which I like to share.