Back To Work

I actually feel like I have been off work for about six weeks rather than two and am more than ready to return to productivity.
Christmas was good this year. Christmas eve the mother-in law came round for a meal. Victoria prepared a cracking feast. We had home-made pate for starters and monkfish for a main course. It was fabulous.
Christmas day was spent (as usual) at my mum's. We had the usual Christmas dinner and lots of wine. We also played on my brother's Nintendo Wii which was absolutely brilliant. Wii Sports was great fun!
Boxing day we went to the Door Moor for lunch. They have a new menu which generally means they have had the same menu re-printed in a different colour. The food is generally nice though.
The day after boxing day we went back to my mum's for a pie and peas lunch which was delicious! My step-brother Greg and his girlfriend Ruth came up from Cambridge which was good as we don't see them too often. I actually managed to drink a little too much wine though and later thought it was a good idea to go out for a drink with Tim . Victoria said I was too drunk but I did not agree. Tim kindly said I was OK but my short term memory was not good. Sorry mate!! It seem that Victoria was right after all.
Present wise it was a good haul this year. I got a camera bag so my precious Nikon no longer has to sit on the top shelf of a book case. I also got lots of DVD's, including Krzysztof Kieslowski's Three Colours trilogy and King Kong Extended Edition. There was also the usual whisky and chocolates of course.
Unfortunately my second week off was not as successful as the first. Sadly Victoria's Nan died on Saturday 30th December. She was 94 and had not been well for a while, but it's still a shock when it happens, especially for Victoria as they had always been very close.
Also, Alice was ill over New Year. She had a really bad cough and was full of cattargh. She was just swallowing it instead of spitting it out so she was practically choking in her sleep. Very distressing it was. Thankfully she is ok now.
It was also really windy over New Year in Dronfield and it blew down the fence at the end of my garden. Luckily my neighbour thinks he is responsible for it and so is fixing it today. I think I will keep quiet as I'm pretty sure it is my responsibility.
So, that was Christmas. Some good and some bad. As I said I'm back at work tomorrow and I'm sure it will be a shock to the system!! Please be gentle.
Oh yes, pictures are here and you can see Alice in her Christmas Day outfit above.