8Mbps Broadband - Update
My new faster broadband has, as those of you who are interested in such things will remember, been giving my some problems. Varying speeds from under 1mbps to 6.5mbps.
Well I am pleased to announce that these initial issues have now stopped. The speed does vary still but it seems to be going from 3 - 7 mbps which is more reasonable and it seems to be more related to site congestion rather than my Zen internet connection.
I can now say to any of you that are wondering if they should make the upgrade to ADSLMax, yes, go for it. Just don't expect a big speed boost for at least 10 days.
I now just need to find a site that can actually provide downloads at 7mbps. :-)
Well I am pleased to announce that these initial issues have now stopped. The speed does vary still but it seems to be going from 3 - 7 mbps which is more reasonable and it seems to be more related to site congestion rather than my Zen internet connection.
I can now say to any of you that are wondering if they should make the upgrade to ADSLMax, yes, go for it. Just don't expect a big speed boost for at least 10 days.
I now just need to find a site that can actually provide downloads at 7mbps. :-)