Evita - London Adelphi - 14th October 2006

The Theatre was about 200 yards from our hotel so we didn't have far to walk. We didn't know what one was supposed to wear to the theatre these days and I didn't believe Victoria when she said that a mourning suit was required so we just wore black, hoping that any social errors on our part would be hidden by the lack of colour. We should not have been worried though as it seems that anything goes these days.
We bought a programme as we walked into the theatre for a reasonable £3.50, only to see a second programme available for £6. I should have known it was too cheap!! Still they are nice souveniers.
Inside the Adelphi looks like any self respecting theatre should look. Stalls plus two tiers and some boxes at each side. In fact we mentioned that it could have been the Muppet Show theatre and were wondering where Stattler and Waldorf were.
The show started at 14:30. We had decided on an afternoon show so that we could go for a meal in the evening. It began with a recorded message informing us all of the death of Eva Peron, followed by a film of her funeral projected on the stage curtain. After this the curtain was raised and the show began properly.
Wow, is all I can really say. It was amazing.
Evita was played by Elena Roger, who is actually Argentinian herself and was fantastic in the role. She has an amazing voice and really belted out the songs, each sung with a slight accent that kind of added to the authenticity. She is also tiny, looking about 5 foot. This is a good thing I imagine as she is literally flung from one side of the stage to the other while she is dancing.
Other parts were played by one of the giant heads from TFI Friday and someone who once played a bit part in Holby City.
OK, so we didn't know anyone but it didn't matter, they were all such talented actors/dancers/singers that we were completely engrossed from the start.
The singing was amazing, with most of the cast not even using microphones.
The music was also provided by a proper orchestra rather than a recording. I can remember ever hearing an orchestra live before and it sounded amazing.
Even the sets were excellent, with large parts of it moving around to create the different buildings for various scenes.
If you get the chance you should see this show. It is amazing. Victoria and I both loved it.
Next time you come to London give me a call.
Congratulations xx
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